Our Radar Roundup compiles products and videos from the ‘net in an easy-to-digest format. Read on below for today’s findings…
Radar Roundup
Our Radar Roundup compiles products and videos from the ‘net in an easy-to-digest format. Read on below for today’s findings!
Readers’ Rides: Andrew the Maker’s Banshee Phantom Loaded for the Colorado Trail
For this week’s Readers’ Rides, our friend Andrew Wiloid from Andrew the Maker Handmade Goods shares with us his fully-loaded full-suspension Banshee Phantom for a week on the Colorado Trail. Check out Andrew’s excellent write up and photos below!
Readers’ Rides: Emilio’s Tomii Cycles Sunset Chaser Gravel Rig
This week’s Readers’ Rides comes from Austin, Texas. Emilio’s Tomii Cycles Sunset Chaser gravel bike caught our eye on Instagram, so we reached out to Emilio to see if he’d be willing to share his thoughts about the bike. Read on below for more…
Tomii Cycles Showcase: Kevin’s Gravel Packer
This year was to be the first year Nao Tomii of Tomii Cycles was going to attend NAHBS. For a small builder like Nao, spending the kind of money it takes to pull a seat up to the table of the USA’s largest hand made bicycle show takes a lot of financial planning, so when NAHBS was postponed this year, Tomii Cycles wouldn’t be able to attend. Most builders display customer’s bikes at NAHBS and asking his clients to wait four more months for their bikes, especially during a pandemic was out of the question. I reached out to Nao and asked if we could display his bikes here at the Radavist, so this week, we’re doing just that. Here’s Kevin’s Gravel Packer, complete with paint by Jordan Low and Andrew the Maker bags…
Tomii Cycles Showcase: Blake’s Gravel Hunter
This year was to be the first year Nao Tomii of Tomii Cycles was going to attend NAHBS. For a small builder like Nao, spending the kind of money it takes to pull a seat up to the table of the USA’s largest hand made bicycle show takes a lot of financial planning, so when NAHBS was postponed this year, Tomii Cycles wouldn’t be able to attend. Most builders display customer’s bikes at NAHBS and asking his clients to wait four more months for their bikes, especially during a pandemic was out of the question. I reached out to Nao and asked if we could display his bikes here at the Radavist, so this week, we’re doing just that, beginning with Blake’s Gravel Hunter, complete with custom Andrew the Maker bags and a stunning paint job by Jordan Low. Sit back and enjoy clicking through these beautiful photos of an equally as beautiful bicycle…
John’s Titanium Sklar Bikes PBJ Touring Bike
Today we get an in-depth review of John’s titanium Sklar Bikes PBJ touring bike after its maiden tour in the Long Valley Caldera…
Firefly Bicycles and Andrew the Maker
When you order a Firefly, you go all in. Take their latest showcase build for example. Complete with Andrew the Maker bags and a painted to match fork, this lightweight bikepacking/gravel race/S24O rig embodies the “the traveler with the most experience, carries the least on their back” mentality. See more at the Firefly Tumblr.
Andrew the Maker: Granny’s Pantry Handlebar Bag
Handlebar bags these days are rather ubiquitous, yet from time to time something new comes on the market that piques my interest. Andrew the Maker’s new Granny’s Pantry bar bag is a semi-rigid bag, utilizing an aluminum brace that is clamped to the bars – 31.8mm only – to keep it stable on rowdy descents. The Granny’s Pantry has a drop in camera insert, a rando-style bag closure system and has a plastic liner to stiffen the body. The use of ABS plastics in bikepacking, touring, and other bags has been a huge benefit for me over the years, as I tend to crush bags accidentally, ruining their profile. The Granny’s Pantry has a lot of clever details and is available for a limited pre-order for $125 now at Andrew the Maker.
2018 Grinduro: Breadwinner Cycles Burberry B Road
Man! What a year for the Town Hall bikes at Grinduro. There were nine bikes from builders on display, all the result of their ideal Grinduro rigs, and many of the brands took it as an opportunity to release some balleur builds. Take for instance this Breadwinner Cycles B Road, blinged out with custom Andrew the Maker bags made from Burberry fabric.
The result is one of my favorite Breadwinners to date, especially when you look at the complete build from a distance. It has panache!
Follow Breadwinner Cycles on Instagram and Grinduro on Instagram.
2017 NAHBS: Vlad Cycles Dirt Tourer with Andrew the Maker Bags
NAHBS isn’t just about the builders. It’s also about makers. People who produce bags, hubs, headsets, saddles and other components or accessories. For Vlad Cycles and Andrew the Maker, this year’s event became the perfect venue to display ATM’s newest bags, including a zipper closure porteur rack bag, saddle bag and his Many Things sacks, all on Andrew’s own dirt touring bike.
Because it’s NAHBS, Andrew reached out to Carson Leh to make bartape and a custom saddle to top off this loud, but beautiful rig.